Tuesday 24 November 2009

self evaluation

i feel my ability to investigate and develop ideas using material was good, but i felt i needed to look more into other stocks and be less narrow in my way of thinking. I only really looked into one or two stocks for my final packaging but, my research into printing i felt was substantial. I learnt things from books and primary research trips which is something i have never done before but will do in the future. I also learnt a lot of things from looking at printed material and investigating how its printed after learning about different printing methods. I felt the research i gathered i selected which bit's were relevant and developed this research into my work.

I felt i lacked actual evidence of trying to re-produce printing methods and finishes but for me crafting a final piece by hand is no relevant to the commercial printing process. I did however make good use of making prototypes using these in my editorial adverts and too see my packaging in context. I felt i investigated more in the development of my work and used this to inform my final design's.

I gained practical skills in things such as making mock ups, which made me think about how a 3d design would work rather than a flat 2d design. I also gained knowledge of indesign and felt this will make my work improve in areas of layout and type which is a area i am getting interested in more. I felt my idea generation was good and i was selective in choosing them and also made decision's and stuck with them. For me the design development was my strongest area. I used research to instruct my design work and i think you can tell this from the final product.

I felt i lacked on documentation of my project but did make relevant comment on my blog. Next time i will make more effort to document everything, this will hopefully make my design decisions easier to understand and more clear. My organization skills were good and i planned what i would be doing by using actions plans and list. I think you could see this in my work as it was not rushed or messy. This was the same in my presentation of my work, i am pleased wit the way the whole project looked and how it all tied in together.

I felt i answered the briefs well, my packaging product both packaged and promoted as well as being informative. My 16 page booklet, i felt also answered the briefs well i learnt a awful lot about commercial printing from doing this booklet and felt my layout skills improved dramatically.

5 things i will do differently next time.

- research more in to relevant stocks and techniques

- try and work to a deadline for production rather than the actual deadline.

-i won't use everything i gather in research, just select relative bits.

-try and push my ideas a bit more further to see what it would look like not just as a initial idea but also as a visual idea.

-document and evaluate my work as i go along.

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